Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Funny Sayings Funny Quotes - Laught

Here you can get the Funny Sayings Funny Quotes - Laught is also available. We have very useful hilarious Funny Sayings Funny Quotes - Laught here on our site. Funny Sayings Funny Quotes - Laught in Punjabi status can be shared as your goodbye facebook quotes status on the social networks and these help you when you have no words to explain your thinking and feelings. Cool facebook quotes also used for telling the loved ones that how much you love them and care about them.

Get the best collection of Funny Sayings Funny Quotes - Laught for girls. When it comes to wish special person then Funny Sayings Funny Quotes - Laught collected here can solve your problem. Enjoy reading nice facebook quotes and share good morning facebook quotes with your friends and family.

1. Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving. (My personal favorite funny quotes)

2. Having one child makes you a parent; having two you are a referee.

3. Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!

4. I believe we should all pay our tax with a smile. I tried - but they wanted cash.

5. Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent.

6. Don't marry the person you want to live with, marry the one you cannot live without, but whatever you do, you'll regret it later.

7. You can't buy love, but you pay heavily for it.

8. Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.

9. Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.

10. Marriage is give and take. You'd better give it to her or she will take it anyway.

11. My wife and I always compromise. I admit I'm wrong and she agrees with me.

12. Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.

13. Ladies first. Pretty ladies sooner.

14. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

15. You are getting old when you enjoy remembering things more than doing them.

16. It doesn't matter how often a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss.

17. Saving is the best thing. Especially when your parents have done it for you.

18. It's funny when people discuss Love Marriage vs Arranged. It's like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered.

19. There is only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it.

20. It is no exaggeration to say that the undecided could go one way or

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